Kneecap injuries, also known as patellar injuries, can range from mild to severe and can significantly impact mobility and quality of life. As a leading orthopaedic specialist at Brisbane Hip N Knee, Dr. Mahendra Meta is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for patients with kneecap injuries. In this informative guide, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for common kneecap injuries, along with the advanced robotic knee replacement in Brisbane.

Understanding Kneecap Injuries

The kneecap, or patella, plays a crucial role in knee function by protecting the joint and providing stability during movement. However, it is also vulnerable to injury due to its location and the forces exerted on it during physical activity. Common kneecap injuries include:

  1. Patellar Fractures: Fractures of the patella can occur as a result of direct trauma, such as a fall or a blow to the knee. These fractures can range from small cracks to complete breaks and may require surgical intervention to repair.
  2. Patellar Dislocation: Patellar dislocation happens when the kneecap is forced out of its normal position, usually as a result of a sudden twisting motion or direct impact to the knee. This can cause pain, swelling, and instability in the knee joint.
  3. Patellar Tendonitis: Also known as jumper's knee, patellar tendonitis is an overuse injury that results in inflammation of the patellar tendon. This condition is common among athletes and individuals who engage in repetitive jumping or running activities.

Symptoms of Kneecap Injuries:

The symptoms of kneecap injuries can vary depending on the severity and type of injury. Common symptoms include:

Pain and tenderness around the kneecap

Swelling and bruising

Difficulty straightening or bending the knee

Instability or feeling of "giving way" in the knee joint

Audible popping or clicking noises during movement

Treatment Options

The treatment for kneecap injuries depends on the type and severity of the injury. In many cases, conservative measures such as rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), along with physical therapy, can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing. However, more severe injuries may require surgical intervention, including:

  1. Patellar Fracture Repair: Surgery may be necessary to realign and stabilize the fractured patella using screws, wires, or plates.
  2. Patellar Dislocation Surgery: Surgical procedures such as patellar realignment or reconstruction may be performed to repair damaged ligaments and restore stability to the knee joint.
  3. Robotic Knee Replacement: For patients with advanced arthritis or degenerative conditions affecting the knee joint, robotic knee replacement surgery offers a precise and minimally invasive treatment option. This innovative technology allows for customized implant placement and optimal alignment, resulting in improved outcomes and faster recovery.

Robotic Knee Replacement in Brisbane

At Brisbane Hip N Knee, we are proud to offer state-of-the-art robotic knee replacement technology to our patients in Brisbane. Robotic knee replacement surgery combines the expertise of our skilled orthopaedic surgeons with the precision and accuracy of robotic-assisted technology, resulting in superior outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement:

Precise implant placement

Customized treatment based on each patient's unique anatomy

Minimally invasive approach, resulting in smaller incisions and less tissue damage

Faster recovery and return to normal activities


Kneecap injuries can be debilitating, but with prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment, most patients can achieve significant pain relief and functional improvement. Whether you're dealing with a patellar fracture, dislocation, or tendonitis, the expert team at Brisbane Hip N Knee is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mahendra Meta and explore your treatment options, including robotic knee replacement surgery, to get back on the path to a pain-free and active lifestyle.